"The Kanji Handbook" is a revolutionary new learning technique for students of the Japanese language. This innovative book presents the concept and application of "KanjiHybrids," a teaching tool created by the author to help non-Japanese speakers learn Kanji. Simply put, Vee David has linked the 1,945 most commonly used Kanji characters with English words to form one integral unit, a "Kanji Hybrid". Using mnemonics as a learning tool, the author has replaced the first letter of an English word with the Kanji for that word in an effort to help students memorise difficult Kanji characters.

نام کتاب کتاب کانجی ژاپنی The Kanji Handbook
ناشر انتشارات Tuttle Publishing
شابک 9780804837798
سال چاپ
قطع کتاب وزیری
نوع جلد شومیز
نوع چاپ سیاه و سفید
تعداد صفحات 1185
زبان کتاب ژاپنی - انگلیسی
تعداد جلد
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