کتاب آموزش آلمانی با داستان Learn German with Stories Momente in München
کتاب آموزش آلمانی با داستان شماره 4
Learn German with Stories: Momente in München – 10 Short Stories for Beginners: 4 (Dino lernt Deutsch) (German)
جدیدترین ویرایش از این کتاب
نویسنده André Klein
ناشر CreateSpace Independent Publishing
شابک 9781503252233
تعدادصفحه 80
زبان کتاب آلمانی انگلیسی
قطع رقعی
محصول سال 2020
ارسال با پست به سراسر کشور
Explore the wonders of Munich in the autumn, learn about local sights and sounds, and improve your German effortlessly along the way!
This book is designed to help beginners make the leap from studying isolated words and phrases to reading (and enjoying) naturally flowing German texts.
Using simplified sentence structures and a very basic vocabulary, this collection of short stories is carefully crafted to allow even novice learners to appreciate and understand the intricacies of coherent German speech.
Each chapter comes with a complete German-English dictionary, with a special emphasis on collocative phrases (high frequency word combinations), short sentences and expressions.
By working with these “building blocks” instead of just single words, learners can accelerate their understanding and active usage of new material and make the learning process more fluid and fun.
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